The Joint by Joint Approach to Stability and Mobility

At Crossfit North Atlanta we are embarking on a 40 Days of Awesomeness challenge to focus on our health. The challenge covers four main categories: 1. Training, 2. Nutrition 3. Recovery, and 4. Community. I am writing this guide as a resource for CFNA members (as well as anyone else) as part of the Recovery category to the challenge. I hope this will help guide your mobility and stability work to stay healthy so you can train hard and stay injury free! 

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Shin Splints

Second in our series of common sports injuries are the dreaded shin splints (also known as medial tibial stress syndrome). Shin splints are actually a great example of the pain being located in a different place from the actual problem, a concept that I will continue to harp on again and again! In a shin splint, the posterior tibialis muscle is torn (micro-tear, not a full-blown tear) away from the tibia, leading to deep pain along the shins, hence the name shin splint.

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